President’s Bench July 2023
It is CMWA picnic time on Wednesday, July 19. I am looking forward to seeing you all there. We are setting up a display area to share past projects. Bring along something you have made. It doesn’t have to be a recent project. At our July open shops, we kicked off an L-Fence build. We are building five L-Fences based on the Bob Van Dyke Design. Mike Ross is leading the group. Both Mike and I forgot to snap some pictures, but we will correct that next month. Take a look at the fall schedule of classes in this newsletter. The classes are all open for registration. I will have more information coming on the Michael Cullen class. A major part of that class will be on surface embellishments and finishing.
Stay safe,
Don Peterson
President’s Bench June 2023
As many of you know, I have been fighting back trouble since late last year. On June 6, I had back surgery that should be a big improvement in how I feel and what I can do. The tough part is sitting still for the recovery period. No bending, twisting, and no lifting more than 10 pounds for 6 weeks. No mowing or motorcycling. Consequently I am not doing much in the way of woodworking either. The closest I have come to woodworking is restoring some older Chicago Cutlery knives. I pick up these knives whenever I see them – it gives me something to hunt for at garage sales and antique shops. I refinish the handles and clean and sharpen the blades. The “Traveler” in this picture was a real find. It is relatively easy work and very low impact. However, it carries it’s own risks as a cut on my left hand will attest. Ouch! Our meeting this month will be on table saw jigs. With the emphasis on the two main jigs we built in the Bob Van dyke class last October. The L – Fence and the Tenoning jig.
Stay safe, Don Peterson
Presidents Bench May 2023
The 80-degree temperatures lately make it feel like we slammed right into summer. Once again, all my woodworking has been garden related. I put a couple raised beds together. Not fine woodworking, but satisfying and I am looking forward to what comes out of those beds later this summer.
We have had a couple great open shops since last month. I would encourage you to stop by for one and check it out.
The technology upgrade at the shop is complete. I am looking forward to using the camera and monitor set-up for a future meeting. We will also have the ability to record and stream meetings and demonstrations.
Our meeting this month was scheduled to be on table saw jigs. Instead we were offered an opportunity to see a Wood Mizer sawmill in action at St John’s. Field trip! We will pick back up on the jigs for our June meeting.
Stay safe,
Don Peterson
Technology Update Grant
We are pleased to announce work has been completed on the Technology Update. This grant is a Legacy Fund grant from the Central Minnesota Arts Board.
Work has included large screen monitors at the front of the room, video cameras, a computer, software, lighting, and many other infrastructure changes. This new equipment allows us to show the presenter and a close-up of the work that is being demonstrated. It also allows recording and streaming of the demonstration.
We are looking forward to using the equipment and improving our capabilities. The MMAW, CMWA, and the CMWC all thank the Central Minnesota Arts Board for making available the funds used to make these upgrades.
See the poster acknowledging this grant and look for it on the wall close to the monitors.